If you have made an order as a guest and want to cancel the order within 3 days, please contact our support team by e-mail: support@global-escort.com . If you are a registered user, please login to your account; you will find the refund procedure inside your panel in the details of your order.
You can return or exchange a Model that you do not like within 3 days from the date of order, before buying tickets from our Agency using Bonus Miles.
For your convenience, you can choose as a compensation – a voucher equivalent to the amount of the returned Order, which we will send you by E-mail, and you can spend it in our Escort Agency at any time convenient for you and apply to any other model.
You can make a return/exchange by filling out the form in Your personal account or as a guest by contacting our support team.
You can also contact customer service.
A prerequisite for free exchange and refund is the fact before buying tickets from our Agency with using Bonus Miles.
If you do not want a voucher when returning, and want to return the money, you must fill out an application for a refund (attached to the order) with your Order, Bank data (if payment was by card) and signature, and send it along with the return Order. The refund will be made within 10 working days from the date of your application.
To successfully complete the return procedure, follow the step-by-step instructions below:
Go to the customer service section
Enter the required information (order ID, billing Name, email address) and click «CONTINUE».
You will be redirected to the page with full information about your order
Here you can click on the «RETURN» button to fill out and send the return form.
- Log in by entering your access codes.
- Go to the «MY ORDERS» section to view the full list of orders.
- In each order, you can click on the «RETURN» button, which opens the return form, which you need to fill out and send.
- In the «RETURN» section you can also view all open and closed procedures for returning your Order.
- Specify the reason for the return.
- Specify whether you want to issue a refund, exchange the Model or get a voucher code (Deposit in Agency Global Escort, equivalent to the amount of your return)
- Enter a comment for a more detailed explanation. (If you want to exchange the Model, please enter in this column the name of the Model for which you want to exchange the already ordered model).
- A return number (RAN) will be emailed to you immediately.
When requesting an exchange, if the desired model is available, we will reserve it for you, otherwise you will be sent an email and we will make a refund. Keep in mind that the full refund in case Of your request occurs only within 3 days before the purchase of tickets by our Agency and the use of Bonus Miles.
After receiving Your application for the exchange of another Model, our Manager will contact you and specify the desired date and time to call the new Model.
If you need advice, please contact our customer service, in any way convenient for you, and we will be happy to answer all Your questions:
Customer Service Availability:
Monday — Sunday: 10 am — 11 pm CET
Office: office@global-escort.com
Support: support@global-escort.com
Telegram: @Global_Escort